Friday, May 23, 2008
Windhorse Yoga - Kirtan
Windhorse Yoga
Sunday, May 25th; 7:00pm-8:30pm
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sacred Sound - Full Flower Moon Toning

are now in bloom...
gently into your heart....
and days gone have left you praying forward... moving on.....
we let go and release
to the earth and her waters
A sound circle for cultivating infinite love & gratitude
Monday May 19th, 2008 8:00 PM
Space for 22 Voices Please RSVP
- Location: 383 Ravenhill Avenue in Westboro
- Please RSVP:
- Fee: Suggested Donation $11.00
These Full and New Moon Tonings are sonic meditation circles. An intimate gathering for people interested in toning, voice, mantra, chant, vocal overtoning and sound healing. Toning can best be described as the uninhibited use of the voice to create a space for healing, transformation, and slowing us down from our busy day to day lives; entering a peaceful state in the spaces between the notes; true silence. Each Session plays with a specific theme and/or archetypal energy in correspondence with time of year.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Past Event: Rama Lotus Yoga Centre - Kirtan
Kirtan with Amanda and Tara Porter
Saturday May 10th from 4pm-6pm
Donations will be accepted for "Care for Children" organization.
Sacred chant to relax a restless mind, to open your heart and to revive the divine love within. With music and song, our thoughts are not elsewhere or scattered, but rather focused on singing and music.
Join us with percussion, guitars or just your voice for a wonderful evening of music.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Past Event: Anahat Shabd - Spring Concert
Anahat Shabd
Candlelit chanting concert
Sing your heart high!
8:00 pm Saturday, May 3rd, $15
The Dome 341 Lyon / Maclaren
There are only 20 chairs at this venue, so do come early if you'd like one.
Floor cushions available - or bring your own if you prefer
To create a sacred space, please aim to be there by 7:50pm
A few tickets are still available at Folklore Centre,
Past Event: Sacred Sound - New Moon Toning
Taurus New Moon Toning
many voices make light work
If you build it, they will come...
Abundance, Aquisitions, Dreams & Goals
through intention, silence, and tone
Let us BE-g-IN the NOW...
A sound circle for cultivating infinite love & gratitude
- Location: 383 Ravenhill Avenue in Westboro
- Please RSVP:
- Fee: Suggested Donation $11.00
These Full and New Moon Tonings are meditation circles. An intimate gathering for people interested in toning, voice, mantra, chant, vocal overtoning and sound healing. Toning can best be described as the uninhibited use of the voice to create a space for healing, transformation, and slowing us down from our busy day to day lives; entering a peaceful state in the spaces between the notes; true silence. Each Session plays with a specific theme and/or archetypal energy in correspondence with our understanding of the cosmos.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Past Event: Santosha Yoga - Spring Swap, Kirtan and Meditation
3-4:30 Swap,
4:30-5:30 Free Yoga Class
7-8pm Free Kirtan and Meditation
Ah, Sweet Spring - its a great time to do an inner cleanse or an outer cleaning. So if you feel the urge to open the windows and clean out your closets, bring in clothing, books, even jewelry, anything that still has life left in it, and make a swap! This is a wonderful way to reduce and reuse. Any left over items will be taken to the Salvation Army.After some refreshments and socializing at the swap we'll be offering a free yoga class with music. In the evening we'll be offering our monthly free Kirtan and Meditation night.
Bring your friends. Everyone is welcome!