The prevailing cosmic energies are to be experienced in the presence of Nature, where we learn to listen to the rhythm of the cosmic forces. Nature is the primal, original sacred space, which nourishes and cherishes us through Mother Earth. Nature heals us, emotionally, spiritually and physically, revealing our true godhead that breathes life into every minuscule atom that wills its energy to enter into form.The powerful resonance of mantra accompanied by crystal bowls will lead us through asana, pranayama and meditation to nourish our connection with Mother Earth. This will be a gentle, but deep session drawing from the tradition of Yin Yoga - beginners and experienced yoga practitioners are welcome.
- Shambavi Lorain Chopra
Tuesday, April 22th 7:00pm - 9:00pm
suggested donation of $30
Jeremy Sills BA - Tanya Nash n.d., BSc(PT)
please RSVP
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