7:30 - 9:30 pm
The Rama Lotus Yoga Centre and the Adi Shakti Yoga Centre are thrilled to welcome back GuruGanesha Singh to Ottawa where he returns to share wisdom, stories, humour... and of course, music!! The happiest Kundalini yoga teacher on the planet will have you singing, chanting, movin' and groovin'. He truly lives up to the saying by Yogi Bhajan: Make yourself so happy that when others see you they become happy too! This long-time teacher and musician has been spreading joy and peace with his music for decades. Come amp up your glow with our beloved Ganesh!
Reserve early - Seating limited
$35 in advance ($40 at door... if there's room!!)
held at the Adi Shakti Yoga Centre 1390 Youville Dr 2nd Floor Orleans www.adishaktiyogacentre.com 613.824.9189
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