Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kirtan, Chant and Yoga at the Ottawa Sound Healing Conference

It all began with an OM...
Creation, as the story goes, was vibrated into being through sound. Every atom in our being continues to vibrate, singing the song of our karmas and dharmas. When in resonating with nature, our cells harmonize with the primal sounds of creation. The ancient mystics taught these sounds as mantras and prayers, and brought forth the movements and dances that opened our bodies to these vibrations, so that we can always return to our essential nature. From teacher to disciple, these movement and sound practices were shared, coming to form the practices we know as yoga and meditation. As these sounds where shared in community, music came to be, and the Love that was experienced came through as Kirtan.
The Ottawa Sound Healing Conference invites you to move and sound your heart open. For the Yogi in all of us, this weekend will feature the sonic practices of India.

Enter the Secret Chamber of the Heart through Sacred Sound and Kundalini yoga. Join mysticsJeremy Sills and Tanya Nash as they co-create a soundscape that will help your body mind and heart connect to this place far beyond and deep within. Together we will sit back and lay down, bathing in the healing frequencies of crystal and tibetan singing bowls, readying our bodies for a gentle kundalini yoga practice to root our heart in our body, and our body in the earth.

Kirtan recording artists, The Bhakti Connection, will share their divine bliss through songs of devotion from India and beyond. An established group since 2007, the collective strives to explore in depth both the traditional and more modernized world of Chanting and Devotional music – the result a blissful fusion of sound, voice, intricate and/or simple musical adaptations that are inspiring to the ear and heart; as well as alluring arrangements to unite the body, mind and spirit. Check out their myspace page to taste the sweet nectar of their divine harmonies which dance upon worldly instrumentation.

Goddess Vocal Circle - Invoking the Goddess through Sounds. The many aspects of the Goddess sing the song of the sacred Feminine within us all – an expression of life’s divine play of bountiful love and wild energy. In this sonic meditation, the creative energy of the group will tell the story of the Goddess, enchanting you into feeling your radiance and creative flow.

The circle begins with an opportunity to open the voice, releasing the tensions of the body and mind in a safe sacred space of sisterhood. In this state of openness, we invoke the Goddess energy with ancient sanskrit chants, then let our voices tell our stories and that of our archetypal sisters, carrying us through our journeys into unity and peace.

All lovers of the divine feminine, male and female, are welcome to hold space in silence or share their voice (no singing or musical experience necessary).

These amazing experiences are offered along side sound healing concerts and participatory workshops using contemporary sonic arts and other ancient sound traditions, including performances and workshops by David Hickey, Michael Moon, Barclay McMillan, Ann Marie Boudreau and many more.

Advanced tickets are available by contacting Tanya at or Maike For more information, please visit the Ottawa Sound Healing Conference website at:

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