April 2-5, 2009
Much sound is being shared at the Yoga & Pilates Conference and Show, with Kirtan Masters Krishna Das and David Newman, as well as Ottawa's own Yoga Teachers Devinder Kaur and Yogi Vishvaketu! Here's a sampling of the Goodness:
Krishna Das
An Evening of Inspirational Music.
Join us for an inspired evening with Krishna Das. Krishna Das is master of infusing the Indian tradition with modern influences. While staying true to the path of Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of Devotion), his music is energized with modern grooves and harmonies to create soulful chanting that is eminently accessible to western hearts. For more information about Krishna Das krishnadas.com
Journey Dance
JourneyDance™ is a playful and intuitive method of using movement to discover and celebrate our inner strengths. We are all dancers, emotion in motion. We cleanse our bodies and minds with sweat and breath, laughter and prayer. We discover the anatomy of the soul. We feel our power and aliveness. We learn to love ourselves. We find balance and blessings. We become bright, shining, radiant.
Impulsed by music, using elements of theater, visualization, vocalization, guided sequences, and improvisational movement, we awaken our imaginations. We embark on a journey to fully express ourselves as soul. At the journey's end we return home, embodied and whole.
Devinder Kaur
Bringing Prosperity into Your Life and Yoga Practice
Go beyond the typical yoga sets/kriyas and meditations for prosperity. Experience how to open your life to receive all the gifts the universe has for you. Give yourself the gift of joyful living with an attitude of gratitude. Attain this through pranayam, mantra, meditation and the healing and sacred sound of the Gong.
David Newman
Kirtan: The Heart of Bhakti Yoga
Learn the art and practice of Kirtan, delve into the healing power of mantras, open the chakras through sound, chanting as meditation, and the teachings of the saints and scriptures on the nature of Love as a spiritual path. All are welcome!
Yogi Vishvketu
Chakra Meditation: Tantra, mantra, yantra!
Explore the Tantric symbolism of the chakras, i.e. the seed sounds and energetic forms or visualizations that stimulate the balanced flow of energy through the chakras. Experience contemplative chakra drawing and chakra meditation. Please bring a cushion.
David Newman
Inner Fire Meditation
Inner Fire Meditation is a seven stage journey including invocation, purification, ascension, unification, expansion, integration and affirmation. It works with mantra, pranayama, the chakras, visualization, grace, devotion and prayer. It is a meditative technology that leads the practitioner, step by step, from the personal to the universal, from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
David Newman
Inner Fire Yoga: The Yoga of Sound, Mind and Body
This workshop will explore the beautiful dance of sound and silence and the graceful flow between movement and stillness. This sacred journey guides the body into bliss, opens the heart to love, and leads the mind to peace.
Sat Dharam Kaur
Kundalini Yoga for Breast Health
A woman’s breasts symbolize the capacity of the earth to nurture all life, as well as our capacity to nurture ourselves and others. We can improve the health of our breasts with Kundalini Yoga exercises designed to assist lymphatic circulation, heal the heart chakra, balance the glandular and nervous systems, assist cellular detoxification and access inner wisdom. Join us in this revitalizing practice that combines pranayams, postures, movement and mantra to create a rich healing experience.
Devinder Kaur
Sound Immersion
Tune into the sacred sounds of the universe. You will explore several powerful Kundalini Yoga Mantras and the deep meditative vibration of the Gong. Come experience the joy of sound and learn to integrate these tools into your yoga, meditation and pranayama practice and teachings.
David Newman
The Yoga of Sound and The Art of Chanting
Come and exploration the art of Kirtan, delve into the healing power of mantras, open the chakras through sound. Use chanting as meditation and the teachings of the saints and scriptures on the nature of "Love" as a spiritual path.
Devinder Kaur
The Miracle Mantra of Guru Ram
This unique meditation experience uses the Guru Ram Das mantra. This mantra invokes the guidance, love and protection of Guru Ram Das. It opens the Fourth Chakra, the Heart Center, and allows you to feel and effortlessly radiate universal love. Learn how to chant this mantra, understand its history, meanings and effects and leave being able to teach its healing and transformational effects to others.
Mark and Joanne Darby
Energizing chakras with asanas and chanting
We will explain the importance of each chakra and its own particular sound called “bija seed sounds”. Then we will experience a gentle flow of ashtanga vinyasa practice with rhythmic chanting of the bija sounds. A chakra meditation will follow the practice and an energizing chakra chanting will conclude.
Devinder Kaur
The Healing Power of Mantra and Gong
Studies have shown the benefit that sound has in lowering blood pressure, improving the body's immune response and overall well being. We will experience connecting with our own voice through Kundalini Yoga Mantras and the meditative vibration of the Gong. Learn how to help others accelerate the natural healing process.
David Newman
Bhakti Yoga: The Yoga of Love
Use Kirtan and satsang (wisdom sharing) to examine the teachings of the saints and scriptures on the nature of love as a spiritual path. Bhakti yoga teaches that the miracle of “Love” is inside us and has the power to heal. Deepen your spiritual practice of yoga through the application of "Love" as a way of life.
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