Friday, August 14th from 7:45-9:15pm
Kirtan is a group gathering where sacred mantras are sung together in a call and response style. It is a unique concert setting where music and singing are treated as meditation and the audience is as much a part of the band as the band members themselves. All throughout the country the awareness of this ancient practice is growing.
Hari Ram is a Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor (Kundalini Yoga Research Institute, New Mexico) and leader of the Hari Ram Kirtan Experience, currently based in Montréal Québec. He teaches regular Kundalini Yoga classes in Montréal at Equilibrium Yoga and Studio Breathe as well as workshops across North America. Originally from Toronto, Hari Ram was introduced to jazz music while still in his mother's womb -- his father played recordings of the be-bop legends continually in their household : Charlie Parker, Dizzie Gillespie, Mingus, Monk, Bud Powell, John Coltrane ... In 1992, Hari Ram was introduced to Kundalini Yoga. It was love at first sight ! The mantras took an immediate hold on him and, after moving into the Guru Ram Das Ashram, he was soon leading morning sadhana. "Often, I would be the only one still chanting at the end of the meditation !" (Morning Sadhana runs from 4:00 - 6:30 am). Hari Ram was blessed to study with two master Naad Yogis -- Sangeet Kaur & Dev Suroop Kaur -- in New Mexico, in 2005. Since that glorious time, he has been creating new arrangements and melodies for these exquisite mantras. Hari Ram often shares original spoken word poetry in his concerts, which he calls "Tantric Rap". He feels blessed to carry on the sacred tradition known as "Kirtan". WAHE GURU
Investment: $5
Rama Lotus Yoga Centre
Rama Lotus Yoga Centre
342 Gladstone Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K2P 0Y8
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